Thursday, May 5, 2022

BCNN And Sister Paterna

Julie picked me up at 9:00 and we went to the BCNN meeting. This time it was held at the Ventura Yacht Club and, boy, I could get used to that. Wonderful views on all sides of both the harbor and the ocean.

The program was a snooze fest. One of the members who had been a marriage counselor talked about enhancing one's senior years, with all the old cliches and bromides--keep active, love yourself, think positive thoughts, and so on. How anybody can take that stuff seriously is beyond me. However, lunch afterward at the Bay Pub nearby was pretty good. Julie and I sat across from each other and when two other women sat next to us, one of them--Iris--said she remembered me from the Maritime Museum. I had a good time talking with her and her friend, Anne.

Julie and I stopped into some of the shops after, then went home. I immediately changed clothes and walked to the P.O. to send the condolence letters to my sister-in-law and niece, then bused to town. Stopped at the library to get Dancing Man, a new book by a Broadway choreographer (I eat that kind of thing up) and bought a blouse.

Home at 5:00 and I was delighted to get another email from Sister Helen; she sent me a picture of, and the obituary on, Sister Paterna,which I'll share with Suzanne.

Got a call from the office saying my May rent payment hadn't been received. I couldn't understand that, as I have it sent automatically. Looked it up and for some reason, it isn't scheduled until May 11--I have no idea why, but will fix it.   (Also have no idea why this part of the text is now centered, instead of left-aligned, and won't move.) 

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