Monday, May 2, 2022

And Another...

One more wonderful day:

The Access Van got me to Ellen's, as requested, at 8:30. Mike, who was the only one up, was juicing tangerines and mentioned that he had already run that morning. Ellen and Greg emerged soon after and we decided that, after all, we'd have breakfast first, then go to the river walk. Greg had some things to do before he drove to work at 1:00, so didn't go with us.  

Off we went to the Ventura River Preserve and what a neat day! We parked, then took the trail to the water. It was somewhat hazardous--for me, anyway--since there were rocks, stones, and gravel mixed in with the sandy soil. It was more than a mile before we got to the water, but both my kiddies helped when I needed it, and I had no problem. These pictures don't show them, but there were lots of other walkers, runners, dogs, and  horses there, too:


The water hole:

Here are Mike and Ellen, El in her glamor pose:
And the old lady:
And the--AAGH!--horses:

Since E. and M. thought we shouldn't walk back (but I was game!), El and I stayed in the area while Mike went to get the car, which was, of course, more than a mile away. He seemed to take quite a while and later, we laughed over the fact that he had taken a wrong turn and got to Ellen's house. Greg took him back to the car and he picked us up. Back at El's, we had lunch, Greg left for work, then Mike packed up and said goodbye to Ellen (I'm looking forward to seeing her next Sunday on Mothers' Day), and he and I left for Ventura.

Earlier, I had admired a wooden book holder Greg had gotten at Barnes & Noble and Mike suggested he'd get me one for Mothers Day. Great idea and we drove to B & N immediately. Mike bought three book holders, along with a number of books and magazines. 

Got home and I had to say goodbye to my boy. Happily, he'll be back in July with Violet, who will be going to summer camp in Ojai. I had such a wonderful time over the two weekends with my youngest. I need to remember more often how lucky I really am.

1 comment:

  1. Nice article. If I remember correctly Pat Kennedy worked at that Mercy Hospital while she was a student at Misericordia.
